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Can Dogs Have Honey? The Ultimate Guide

Honey has long been celebrated for its natural sweetness and various health benefits for humans, but can dogs have honey?

Whether you’re considering giving your dog a sweet treat or you’re curious about its potential health benefits, it’s important to know if honey is safe for your furry friend. 

Can Dogs Have Honey?

Yes, dogs can have honey, but as with any human food, it’s important to give it to them in moderation.

Honey is a natural sweetener that provides several beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, but it also comes with some considerations when it comes to serving it to your dog.

can dogs have honey

Nutritional Content of Honey

Honey is primarily composed of sugars like fructose and glucose, but it also contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium.

These nutrients can support your dog’s health in minor ways, but because honey is high in sugar, it’s not something that should be a major part of their diet.

Honey’s Benefits for Humans vs. Dogs

While honey has a wide array of benefits for humans—like its ability to boost energy, fight infections, and improve digestion—the effects aren’t as profound for dogs.

For example, humans can benefit from honey’s prebiotic properties that promote gut health, but dogs generally have a more simplified response to the sugar content.

The takeaway? Dogs can enjoy honey, but it’s more about the occasional treat than daily health maintenance.

Is Honey Safe for Dogs?

Raw Honey vs. Processed Honey for Dogs

When deciding between raw and processed honey for your dog, raw honey is typically the better option. Raw honey is unfiltered and unpasteurized, meaning it retains more of its natural enzymes and nutrients.

Processed honey, on the other hand, is often heated, which reduces its nutritional value. If you’re planning to give honey to your dog, stick to raw, organic honey.

Potential Risks and Concerns

Honey is generally safe for most dogs in small quantities, but it does have its risks. Because honey is high in sugar, it can lead to weight gain or exacerbate conditions like diabetes in dogs.

Additionally, raw honey can contain spores that may be harmful to puppies or dogs with weakened immune systems.

Always check with your vet before adding honey to your dog’s diet, especially if they have underlying health issues.

Health Benefits of Honey for Dogs

Honey as a Natural Sweetener for Dogs

In small amounts, honey can be a healthy, natural sweetener for dogs, providing a safer alternative to artificial sweeteners or highly processed sugars.

It can be used as an occasional treat or mixed into their food to make it more palatable, especially for picky eaters.

Boosting the Immune System and Fighting Infections

Honey’s antibacterial and antioxidant properties can help boost your dog’s immune system.

It contains natural antioxidants that combat free radicals in the body, helping reduce inflammation and support overall health. Some studies suggest that honey can help dogs fight off mild infections due to its antimicrobial properties.

Healing Wounds and Skin Issues

One of honey’s more impressive benefits is its ability to heal wounds and treat skin issues in dogs.

Applied topically, honey can act as a natural antiseptic, preventing infections and speeding up the healing process. This is especially beneficial for minor cuts, burns, or hotspots that dogs may experience.

Soothing Allergies and Coughs

For dogs suffering from seasonal allergies or kennel cough, honey may offer relief. Raw honey is known to contain small amounts of pollen, which can help desensitize your dog’s immune system to allergens over time.

Additionally, honey’s soothing texture can help calm a sore throat or ease a cough, making it a natural remedy for mild respiratory issues.

can dogs have honey

How Much Honey Can Dogs Have?

Serving Size Based on Dog Size

When it comes to feeding your dog honey, moderation is key. Small dogs should only be given about half a teaspoon of honey per day, while larger dogs can handle up to a full teaspoon.

These are general guidelines, but every dog is different, so it’s best to start with smaller amounts and observe how your dog responds.

Frequency of Feeding Honey

Honey should be an occasional treat, not a daily addition to your dog’s diet. Because of its high sugar content, feeding your dog honey too frequently can lead to weight gain and other health problems. Once or twice a week is generally sufficient for most dogs.

Best Ways to Give Honey to Dogs

Simple Methods of Adding Honey to Diet

One of the easiest ways to give honey to your dog is to mix it into their food. You can drizzle a small amount of honey over dry kibble or stir it into wet food. Another option is to spread honey on a treat or a dog-safe biscuit.

Honey-Based Dog Treat Recipes

For the more adventurous pet owner, you can try making homemade honey-based treats. A simple recipe might include peanut butter, rolled oats, and honey mixed together and baked into bite-sized snacks. This not only provides a healthy treat but also allows you to control the ingredients and ensure they’re safe for your dog.

Are There Dogs Who Should Avoid Honey?

Puppies and Honey Consumption

Puppies should avoid honey, particularly raw honey, because their immune systems are not fully developed. The risk of botulism spores, which can occasionally be found in raw honey, is much higher for puppies, making honey a potential danger.

Dogs with Diabetes or Obesity

Dogs with diabetes or those that are overweight should avoid honey due to its high sugar content. For these dogs, even small amounts of honey can spike blood sugar levels, leading to potential complications. If your dog is managing a health condition, always consult your vet before introducing honey or any other sugary foods into their diet.

Dogs with Compromised Immune Systems

If your dog has a compromised immune system, it’s best to avoid feeding them raw honey. The bacteria and spores present in raw honey could pose a risk to their already weakened defenses. Processed honey might be a safer option, but it’s always best to consult your veterinarian first.

Honey Varieties and Which is Best for Dogs

Raw Honey vs. Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is often considered a superfood due to its high levels of antibacterial properties. While regular raw honey is good for dogs, Manuka honey may offer additional health benefits, especially for wound care and digestive health. However, Manuka honey can be more expensive, so it’s worth considering if the benefits outweigh the cost for your dog’s needs.

Organic and Locally-Sourced Honey

When choosing honey for your dog, opt for organic and locally-sourced varieties when possible. Organic honey ensures that no pesticides or harmful chemicals are present, and locally-sourced honey may have additional benefits for dogs with allergies by exposing them to local pollen.

Signs Your Dog Might Have a Honey Allergy

Identifying Allergic Reactions

Although rare, dogs can have allergic reactions to honey. Signs of an allergic reaction may include swelling, hives, vomiting, or diarrhea. If your dog shows any of these symptoms after consuming honey, discontinue use immediately and contact your veterinarian.

What to Do If Your Dog Has an Allergy

If your dog has an allergic reaction to honey, it’s important to act quickly. Mild symptoms can often be treated at home with antihistamines, but more severe reactions may require medical attention. Always have your vet’s contact information handy if your dog tries a new food.

can dogs have honey

Honey for Dogs with Specific Conditions

Dogs with Kennel Cough and Honey Treatment

Kennel cough is a common respiratory infection in dogs, and honey can be a natural remedy for soothing a sore throat. A small amount of honey, mixed with warm water, can help ease coughing fits and provide comfort to your dog as they recover.

Honey for Senior Dogs

Senior dogs can particularly benefit from honey’s anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. As they age, dogs become more susceptible to infections and joint pain, and honey’s natural antioxidants may help support their health during their golden years.

How to Store and Use Honey for Dogs

Proper Storage of Honey

To ensure honey remains safe for consumption, store it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Honey doesn’t spoil easily, but improper storage can cause it to crystallize or lose some of its nutritional value.

Ensuring Freshness and Quality

When purchasing honey for your dog, always check the label to ensure it is raw, organic, and free from additives. Honey should be free from artificial preservatives and colors to provide maximum health benefits for your dog.

Alternatives to Honey for Dogs

Other Natural Sweeteners

If honey isn’t an option for your dog, there are other natural sweeteners to consider. Molasses, for example, contains more nutrients than honey and is also safe for dogs in small amounts. However, always check with your vet before introducing any new food into your dog’s diet.

Comparing Honey to Other Safe Dog-Friendly Foods

There are other foods that offer similar health benefits to honey, such as blueberries, carrots, and apples. These foods are rich in antioxidants and vitamins and can be fed to your dog without the concern of high sugar content.


Is honey good for dogs’ digestive health?

Yes, honey can help with digestive issues in dogs, thanks to its natural prebiotic properties. However, it should be given in moderation.

Can dogs with allergies benefit from honey?

Raw honey can help dogs with seasonal allergies by exposing them to small amounts of pollen, potentially reducing their allergic response over time.

Is honey safe for all dog breeds?

Honey is generally safe for all dog breeds, but some dogs with specific health conditions may need to avoid it. Always consult your vet before feeding honey to your dog.

What is the best type of honey for dogs?

Raw, organic honey is the best option for dogs. Manuka honey is also highly beneficial, especially for treating wounds and infections.

Can I give my dog honey every day?

It’s best to give honey to dogs occasionally, as its high sugar content can lead to weight gain if given daily.

How can I use honey for my dog’s wounds?

You can apply honey directly to your dog’s wounds as a natural antiseptic. Be sure to clean the wound first and consult your vet for severe injuries.


Honey can be a sweet and beneficial treat for dogs when used in moderation. Its natural properties offer a range of health benefits, from soothing allergies to boosting the immune system.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the risks, particularly for dogs with diabetes, obesity, or compromised immune systems. Always consult your vet before adding honey to your dog’s diet, and enjoy the occasional sweet moment with your furry friend.

can dogs have honey pin
can dogs have honey pin